Live Brute Force Monitor

Attacking Now

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ISP Hall of Fame

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IP Address Hall of Fame

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Live Brute Force Monitor features three dashboards, powered by bot-related failed logins from a selection of medium-traffic websites running on a popular open-source content management system. The Attacking Now Dashboard tracks live brute force bot attacks and displays entries for 15 minutes after their last detected activity. New entries flash in red, repeated ongoing attacks flash in orange, and inactive entries remain black until their 15-minute time-to-live expires. The dashboard refreshes every 5 seconds to provide real-time updates.

In addition to the Attacking Now Dashboard, Live Brute Force Monitor includes two Hall of Fame dashboards. The first tracks ISPs by a pair of their netblock owner and country. This dashboard refreshes every 60 seconds, with updates signaled by a wobbly red font effect. The second Hall of Fame highlights individual IP addresses but only refreshes when the page is reloaded. The Hall of Fame dashboards went live on November 18, 2024.